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Support Anthony and Become a Partner in providing theological research and education with and for the global Church

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The global Church continues to need groundbreaking interdisciplinary theological research that speaks into both the long-standing questions of theology and the pressing contemporary concerns arising across the world while including the voices of the global Church. It also needs high quality, advanced theological education and formation to be delivered across the world. Not only in the West, but beyond it. Not only by sending theologians from the West to teach where theological education is needed, but by empowering and developing the amazing scholars already at work or arising in the Global South.


These two needs remain Anthony's deep commitments: 1) producing theology for and with the global church and 2) multiplying theologians and scholars, pastors and priests, missionaries and lay leaders for and with the global church. 


Whether you live in the US, the UK, or anywhere around the world, your partnership in finances and prayer is essential to effectively doing this work of glorifying God, growing the global church, and effecting good in the world through theological research and education. Support this essential work today. 

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